Arenti Cloud Service

Privacy highly valued and prioritized
Our camera is designed with an encryption process using the algorithm AES-128. All data will be encrypted, including event messages, control commands, streaming for live view, cloud storage, and local storage.
AES-128 is a high-standard and advanced security encryption algorithm, widely recognized by the industry.
All cameras support privacy mode. Users can configure the on/off status of the lens. At off status, no data will be transferred from the device. In the meantime, part of the model has a physical cover function, the lens will roll up under cover. This realizes absolute privacy protection.
Encrypted Video Recording at Amazon AWS Cloud
Arenti Cloud will record event clips when motion detection is triggered, the event clip will be up to 3 minutes (depending on models). No worry about losing event details. Compared with other brands, Arenti Cloud also provides full-day recording options, recording 24/7 (except battery camera and video doorbell), which is different and valuable at the market.
Within the complete interaction between device, server, and app, all data transmission is done via HTTPS, strengthened by SSL algorithm, including streaming, event message, and control commands.
SSL is the industry standard for secure communication, which can effectively secure the data transmission at the network.
We also add key authentication at P2P transmission used for streaming, furtherly strength the data safety.

Select Your Plan
Event Recording
Arenti Cloud will record event clips when motion detection is triggered, the event clip will be up to 3 minutes (depending on models). You will have a month to use this service.
Arenti Cloud will record event clips when motion detection is triggered, the event clip will be up to 3 minutes (depending on models). You will have 3 months to use this service.
Arenti Cloud will record event clips when motion detection is triggered, the event clip will be up to 3 minutes (depending on models). You will have a month to use this service.
Full-Day Recording
Arenti Cloud also provides full-day recording options, recording 24/7 (except battery camera and video doorbell). You will have a month to use this service.
Arenti Cloud also provides full-day recording options, recording 24/7 (except battery camera and video doorbell). You will have 3 months to use this service.
Arenti Cloud also provides full-day recording options, recording 24/7 (except battery camera and video doorbell). You will have 1 year to use this service.